Thinking about an emergency doctor home visit? First of all, as you hear all the time when you call medical providers, if this is a truly life threatening emergency, please pick up your phone and dial 911 immediately. However, as we all know, there are emergencies and there are emergencies. The vast majority of people waiting in any crowded hospital emergency room are not in immediate danger; they are simply dealing with an illness or injury that can’t wait very long. Dr. Michael Farzam of House Call Doctor Los Angeles is here to tell you that, if you’re dealing with the sort of worrisome medical situation or minor injury that might ordinarily send you to an emergency room and you’re in the Los Angeles area, a call to Dr. Farzam might be the best way to deal with the situation.
Advantages of a House Call Doctor
You can probably think of most of the many reasons it might be preferable to be seen at home by a skilled doctor. Convenience is an obvious factor – and sometimes convenience might be more important than you think. If you’re dealing with an illness, stressing yourself out by driving through traffic, only to find yourself in a large room filled with sick people is pretty obviously not the greatest option there is. Conversely, being able to rest and recuperate while you wait for the doctor to arrive just may help speed your recovery – it will definitely be a lot more pleasant. Also, a house call doctor is able to provide a higher level of personal care, and being able to see you in your home environment can have a number of important benefits that might surprise you. Also, today’s technology allows the doctor to do most of the things at home he would be able to do in his office.
Finally, if you’re concerned about the cost – and most of us are these days, especially when it comes to medical care – it’s entirely likely that, depending on your insurance situation, a home visit from Dr. Farzam will be a great deal less expensive than an emergency room visit. If you’re dealing with a problem that, while not immediately life threatening, nevertheless needs to be taken care of quickly, your best bet is to call House Call Doctor Los Angeles at the phone number above. If it’s not actually an emergency at all, but you’d like to know more, you can also reach us via our contact page.